The viscosity of water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius is roughly equal to 0.01 poise or 10-3 Pa. s (Pascal seconds). Alternately, this value can be represented as 1.0016 mPa. s.Water has a viscosity of 0.0091 poise at 25 °C, or 1 centipoise at 20 °C.Liquids that have a low viscosity have a low resistance to flowing quickly. Examples might include water or rubbing alcohol. Liquids that have a high viscosity have a high resistance to flowing– like honey or molasses.
What is the viscosity of water in kg ms : It is more commonly expressed, particularly in ASTM standards, as centipoise (cP). Water at 20 °C has a viscosity of 1.0020 cP or 0.001002 kg/(m·s). 1 P = 1 g·cm−1·s−1.
What gives water its viscosity
Actually, water has a fairly high viscosity compared to other liquids of similar molar masses. The reason for its high surface tension and high viscosity (and high specific heat, melting and boiling points, as well as other features) is the strength of the intermolecular forces of attraction between water molecules.
How to calculate viscosity : There are several formulas and equations to calculate viscosity, the most common of which is Viscosity = (2 x (ball density – liquid density) x g x a^2) ÷ (9 x v), where g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s^2, a = radius of ball bearing, and v = velocity of ball bearing through liquid.
Viscosity Table – Measurement data
Temp. [°C]
Dyn. Viscosity [mPa.s]
Kin. Viscosity [mm²/s]
For example, at 10°C the dynamic viscosity of water is approximately 1.308 mPa·s; at 20°C it's about 1.002 mPa·s; at 30°C it's approximately 0.7978 mPa·s; at 40°C it's around 0.6531 mPa·s; at 50°C it's approximately 0.5471 mPa·s; at 60°C it's about 0.4658 mPa·s; at 70°C it's roughly 0.4044 mPa·s; at 80°C it's around …
Why is water low viscosity
Water molecules are much smaller than oil molecules, so they move past one another more easily. Less internal friction = lower viscosity. Water molecules are not only smaller than mercury atoms, but water is much less dense than mercury.Honey, molasses, and melted chocolate are very difficult to pour and often we reach for a spoon or other utensil to speed the process. These are all examples of high viscosity liquids. Peanut butter, jam, and caramel often don't pour at all and require utensils to get them out of the container.For simple minds, water has a low viscosity due its small size of its molecules, and a high surface tension due to the strong dipole moment (distance and strength of electric charge). At a molecular level, viscosity is a result the interaction between the different molecules in a fluid. This can be also understood as friction between the molecules in the fluid. Just like in the case of friction between moving solids, viscosity will determine the energy required to make a fluid flow.
How do you make water viscous : You can add dextran, PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone), PEG (Polyethylene glycol) or another water-soluble polymer. There are number of polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, gelatin, proteins, plant resins like gum accacia and synthetic polymers one could use to increase the viscosity of water.
How do you calculate water viscosity : For example, the kinematic viscosity and density of water at 78 °C is around 0.37344 mm² per second and 0.973 grams per cm³ , respectively. Multiplying them together, we get 0.37344 mm²/s × 0.973 g/cm³= 0.36336 mPa·s , which is the dynamic viscosity of water at 78 °C .
How do you measure the viscosity of water
Ways to Measure Viscosity
Capillary Viscometer. The earliest methods for measuring viscosity were based on using capillary tubes and measuring the time it took for a volume of liquid to pass through the length of the tube.
Zahn Cup.
Falling Sphere Viscometer.
Vibrational Viscometer.
Rotational Viscometer.
0.7972 Viscosity Table – Measurement data
Temp. [°C]
Dyn. Viscosity [mPa.s]
Density [g/cm³]
The dynamic viscosity of water at 20°C is 11.4 × 10 -3 poise, which is approximately equal to 1/100 poise.
What does 1 cP viscosity mean : cP stands for centipoise. The poise is the unit of dynamic viscosity in the CGS system. It is named after Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille. A centipoise is one-hundredth of poise, or one millipascal-second (mPa⋅s) in SI units (1 cP = 10^(−3)Pa⋅s = 1 mPa⋅s).
Antwort What is water viscosity? Weitere Antworten – What is the viscosity of water
1.0016 mPa.s
The viscosity of water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius is roughly equal to 0.01 poise or 10-3 Pa. s (Pascal seconds). Alternately, this value can be represented as 1.0016 mPa. s.Water has a viscosity of 0.0091 poise at 25 °C, or 1 centipoise at 20 °C.Liquids that have a low viscosity have a low resistance to flowing quickly. Examples might include water or rubbing alcohol. Liquids that have a high viscosity have a high resistance to flowing– like honey or molasses.
What is the viscosity of water in kg ms : It is more commonly expressed, particularly in ASTM standards, as centipoise (cP). Water at 20 °C has a viscosity of 1.0020 cP or 0.001002 kg/(m·s). 1 P = 1 g·cm−1·s−1.
What gives water its viscosity
Actually, water has a fairly high viscosity compared to other liquids of similar molar masses. The reason for its high surface tension and high viscosity (and high specific heat, melting and boiling points, as well as other features) is the strength of the intermolecular forces of attraction between water molecules.
How to calculate viscosity : There are several formulas and equations to calculate viscosity, the most common of which is Viscosity = (2 x (ball density – liquid density) x g x a^2) ÷ (9 x v), where g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s^2, a = radius of ball bearing, and v = velocity of ball bearing through liquid.
Viscosity Table – Measurement data
For example, at 10°C the dynamic viscosity of water is approximately 1.308 mPa·s; at 20°C it's about 1.002 mPa·s; at 30°C it's approximately 0.7978 mPa·s; at 40°C it's around 0.6531 mPa·s; at 50°C it's approximately 0.5471 mPa·s; at 60°C it's about 0.4658 mPa·s; at 70°C it's roughly 0.4044 mPa·s; at 80°C it's around …
Why is water low viscosity
Water molecules are much smaller than oil molecules, so they move past one another more easily. Less internal friction = lower viscosity. Water molecules are not only smaller than mercury atoms, but water is much less dense than mercury.Honey, molasses, and melted chocolate are very difficult to pour and often we reach for a spoon or other utensil to speed the process. These are all examples of high viscosity liquids. Peanut butter, jam, and caramel often don't pour at all and require utensils to get them out of the container.For simple minds, water has a low viscosity due its small size of its molecules, and a high surface tension due to the strong dipole moment (distance and strength of electric charge).
At a molecular level, viscosity is a result the interaction between the different molecules in a fluid. This can be also understood as friction between the molecules in the fluid. Just like in the case of friction between moving solids, viscosity will determine the energy required to make a fluid flow.
How do you make water viscous : You can add dextran, PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone), PEG (Polyethylene glycol) or another water-soluble polymer. There are number of polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, gelatin, proteins, plant resins like gum accacia and synthetic polymers one could use to increase the viscosity of water.
How do you calculate water viscosity : For example, the kinematic viscosity and density of water at 78 °C is around 0.37344 mm² per second and 0.973 grams per cm³ , respectively. Multiplying them together, we get 0.37344 mm²/s × 0.973 g/cm³= 0.36336 mPa·s , which is the dynamic viscosity of water at 78 °C .
How do you measure the viscosity of water
Ways to Measure Viscosity
Viscosity Table – Measurement data
The dynamic viscosity of water at 20°C is 11.4 × 10 -3 poise, which is approximately equal to 1/100 poise.
What does 1 cP viscosity mean : cP stands for centipoise. The poise is the unit of dynamic viscosity in the CGS system. It is named after Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille. A centipoise is one-hundredth of poise, or one millipascal-second (mPa⋅s) in SI units (1 cP = 10^(−3)Pa⋅s = 1 mPa⋅s).