Antwort What is the difference between vertical and lateral movement? Weitere Antworten – What is the difference between vertical and lateral thinking

What is the difference between vertical and lateral movement?
Vertical thinking uses a sequence of direct and logical steps to come to a conclusion. Lateral thinking uses indirect and creative approaches to come to a conclusion. Vertical thinking is sequential, rigid, and follows the tried and tested.Lateral movement is when an attacker gains initial access to one part of a network and then attempts to move deeper into the rest of the network — typically via remote desktop tools or remote administration tools (RATs). Penetrating the security perimeter is considered a vertical movement (moving from the outside in).Lateral movement is from side to side, and vertical movement is up and down. Most egocentric forms of travel allow for longitudinal movement through the world, while only a few offer direct lateral and vertical movement. In an exocentric frame of reference, the x, y, and z Cartesian coordinates are often used.

What does lateral move mean : Lateral movement is a career strategy that involves moving from one position to another within the same organization or industry but at the same level of responsibility and pay. It is contrary to vertical movement, which involves moving up the corporate ladder to positions with increased responsibility and pay.

What is a lateral way of thinking

Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. It involves ideas that may not be obtainable using only traditional step-by-step logic.

What means lateral thinking : Lateral thinking means brainstorming creatively to solve problems and generate ideas without the limitations of logic-based critical thinking.

Some examples of lateral movement paths (LMPs) that criminals would pursue in an infected system are: Internal spear phishing, which is when someone gains access to a company's email network by hacking a user's account and then targeting specific people or groups within the organization. Pass the hash (PtH) attacks.

In network security, lateral movement is the process by which attackers spread from an entry point to the rest of the network. There are many methods by which they can achieve this. For instance, an attack could start with malware on an employee's desktop computer.

What is vertical movement

Vertical movement is what gives a narrative depth, texture, tension, and resonance. It interrupts the forward, chronological pace of a story or essay (action–what happened) and replaces simple linear movement with spatial complexity (thought—the why of the story).For instance, an attack could start with malware on an employee's desktop computer. From there, the attacker attempts to move laterally to infect other computers on the network, to infect internal servers, and so on until they reach their final target. Attackers aim to move laterally undetected.With vertical career moves, you usually land a position that equates to a promotion, regardless of whether you change companies or stay with your current employer. In most cases, you'll advance up the organizational hierarchy, have more responsibilities, and secure a bigger paycheck.

Whether you call it lateral, horizontal or sideways – this kind of career move basically means you're moving across a company or industry to another role, but at a similar level of responsibility and pay. And it can be just as beneficial to your career as moving 'up'.

What does vertical thinking mean : Vertical thinking is a type of approach to problems that usually involves one being selective, analytical, and sequential. It could be said that it is the opposite of lateral thinking.

What is the difference between lateral and horizontal thinking : Howard Gardner calls vertical thinkers the experts and horizontal thinkers the visionaries. Others, use Edward De Bono's coined term lateral thinking to define horizontal thinking. In general, lateral thinking means being creative and thinking outside the box.

What is an example of vertical thinking

This is because vertical thinking relies on being right, and thus you are more likely to be right more of the time by moving in a specific and optimal direction. An example of this would be following the directions Google Maps gives you as the selection you make for your turn by turn directions.

Lateral movement can be divided into these five steps:

  1. External reconnaissance — the first step for an attacker is to perform reconnaissance on the target organization.
  2. Initial infiltration — once an attacker identifies the attack vector, they exploit the vulnerability to gain access to the target's network.

A lateral orientation is a position away from the midline of the body. For instance, the arms are lateral to the chest, and the ears are lateral to the head. A medial orientation is a position toward the midline of the body. An example of medial orientation is the eyes, which are medial to the ears on the head.

What is the opposite of lateral movement : Movement that brings the anterior surface of the limb toward the midline of the body is called medial (internal) rotation. Conversely, rotation of the limb so that the anterior surface moves away from the midline is lateral (external) rotation (see Figure 3).