High-viscosity liquid foodstuffs in bulk, such as honey, tomato products, sauces, jam, corn and maple syrups, molasses, mustard, juices, fruit and vegetable concentrates; animal fats and high-viscosity vegetable oils, lard, margarine, cocoa butter, peanut butter, vegetable-shortening and similar products.1. What are the Types of Viscosity Answer: There are essentially two sorts of viscosity. They are dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity.Water, milk, and fruit juice all flow very easily; this can be observed when you pour each into a glass. These are all examples of low viscosity or thin liquids. Other examples such as vegetable oil, maple syrup, and dish soap are considerably more viscous, resisting flow and pouring out more slowly.
What is an example of a viscous liquid : High-viscosity liquid foodstuffs in bulk, such as honey, tomato products, sauces, jam, corn and maple syrups, molasses, mustard, juices, fruit and vegetable concentrates; animal fats and high-viscosity vegetable oils, lard, margarine, cocoa butter, peanut butter, vegetable-shortening and similar products.
What is the best example of high viscosity
Some liquids, like pitch, glass and peanut butter, have such high viscosity they behave like solids. In common vernacular, a liquid is said to be “viscous” if its viscosity is substantially greater than that of water, and is described as “mobile” if the viscosity is noticeably less than water.
What viscosity is honey : 2,000 – 3,000 centipoise Viscosity Scale
Water @ 70°F / 21°C
centipoise (cps)
Honey or Corn Syrup
2,000 – 3,000
centipoise (cps)
5,000 – 10,000
centipoise (cps)
Chocolate Syrup
10,000 – 25,000
centipoise (cps)
Pourable Silicone Rubber
14,000 – 40,000
centipoise (cps)
Well, ketchup is a fluid with a high viscosity. Further, the viscosity of a fluid, such as ketchup, is affected by temperature. As the temperature increases, the viscosity of the fluid decreases and vice versa. honey
The viscosity of a liquid refers to its resistance to flow. The most viscous liquid is typically considered to be honey, while the least viscous liquid is water. Other liquids with high viscosity include molasses, corn syrup, and motor oil, while liquids with low viscosity include ethanol and gasoline.
Is honey highly viscous
In a highly viscous fluid, like honey for example, these cohesive forces are much strong, making it harder for the molecules to move past each other, reducing the flow rate of the fluid.Answer and Explanation:
Fresh toothpaste in the tube is usually either thought of as a soft solid or as a highly viscous liquid but it is in fact a suspension of small particles in a liquid and is best described as a non-Newtonian fluid.Have you ever wondered why when trying to pour honey it is so much more difficult than pouring water This is because honey has a much greater viscosity than water. Viscosity is the measure of a fluids resistance to flowing, which you can think of as its thickness. In a warm climate, you want an oil that offers more high-temperature protection. In that case, an SAE 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-50, or 20W-50 would be more suitable. These four are examples of higher oil viscosity. Because of government fuel economy requirements, newer cars call for lower-viscosity oil.
What is the viscosity of olive oil : Water viscosity at 20 ∘C is 1 centipoise (1 cP), while the viscosity of olive oil at 20 ∘C is about 84 cP. Olive oil is therefore much more viscous than water and this is why olive oil flows so slowly, silently and smoothly.
What is the viscosity of Vaseline : In the specification table for petroleum jelly, the viscosity is given as kinematic viscosity and with the centistoke (cst) unit at 100 °C. The petroleum jelly viscosity is generally in the range of 5.5 – 10 cst at this temperature.
What is viscosity of honey
Honey is more viscous due to the higher intermolecular forces between the individual particles. Hence, the particles are more strongly bound in honey than in water. Honey has a viscosity of 10000 cps, and water has a viscosity of 1.0020 cps. high viscosity
Peanut butter has high viscosity range, on average from 150,000 to 250,000 cPs. But depends on type of butter. 2. Peanut butter will exhibit shear thinning behavior, that is, its viscosity will decrease with increase in shear applied on sample.Viscosity is defined as "resistance to flow" and is often referred to as the "thickness" of a fluid. To break viscosity down into simple examples think of water (a low viscosity fluid) and honey (a high viscosity fluid).
Is honey a viscous fluid : The honey has more strong intermolecular attractive forces than water. Therefore the particles are strongly bonded in honey than water. Hence honey is more viscous than water.
Antwort What are the 5 high viscosity liquids? Weitere Antworten – What liquids are high in viscosity
High-viscosity liquid foodstuffs in bulk, such as honey, tomato products, sauces, jam, corn and maple syrups, molasses, mustard, juices, fruit and vegetable concentrates; animal fats and high-viscosity vegetable oils, lard, margarine, cocoa butter, peanut butter, vegetable-shortening and similar products.1. What are the Types of Viscosity Answer: There are essentially two sorts of viscosity. They are dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity.Water, milk, and fruit juice all flow very easily; this can be observed when you pour each into a glass. These are all examples of low viscosity or thin liquids. Other examples such as vegetable oil, maple syrup, and dish soap are considerably more viscous, resisting flow and pouring out more slowly.
What is an example of a viscous liquid : High-viscosity liquid foodstuffs in bulk, such as honey, tomato products, sauces, jam, corn and maple syrups, molasses, mustard, juices, fruit and vegetable concentrates; animal fats and high-viscosity vegetable oils, lard, margarine, cocoa butter, peanut butter, vegetable-shortening and similar products.
What is the best example of high viscosity
Some liquids, like pitch, glass and peanut butter, have such high viscosity they behave like solids. In common vernacular, a liquid is said to be “viscous” if its viscosity is substantially greater than that of water, and is described as “mobile” if the viscosity is noticeably less than water.
What viscosity is honey : 2,000 – 3,000 centipoise
Viscosity Scale
Well, ketchup is a fluid with a high viscosity. Further, the viscosity of a fluid, such as ketchup, is affected by temperature. As the temperature increases, the viscosity of the fluid decreases and vice versa.

The viscosity of a liquid refers to its resistance to flow. The most viscous liquid is typically considered to be honey, while the least viscous liquid is water. Other liquids with high viscosity include molasses, corn syrup, and motor oil, while liquids with low viscosity include ethanol and gasoline.
Is honey highly viscous
In a highly viscous fluid, like honey for example, these cohesive forces are much strong, making it harder for the molecules to move past each other, reducing the flow rate of the fluid.Answer and Explanation:
Fresh toothpaste in the tube is usually either thought of as a soft solid or as a highly viscous liquid but it is in fact a suspension of small particles in a liquid and is best described as a non-Newtonian fluid.Have you ever wondered why when trying to pour honey it is so much more difficult than pouring water This is because honey has a much greater viscosity than water. Viscosity is the measure of a fluids resistance to flowing, which you can think of as its thickness.

In a warm climate, you want an oil that offers more high-temperature protection. In that case, an SAE 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-50, or 20W-50 would be more suitable. These four are examples of higher oil viscosity. Because of government fuel economy requirements, newer cars call for lower-viscosity oil.
What is the viscosity of olive oil : Water viscosity at 20 ∘C is 1 centipoise (1 cP), while the viscosity of olive oil at 20 ∘C is about 84 cP. Olive oil is therefore much more viscous than water and this is why olive oil flows so slowly, silently and smoothly.
What is the viscosity of Vaseline : In the specification table for petroleum jelly, the viscosity is given as kinematic viscosity and with the centistoke (cst) unit at 100 °C. The petroleum jelly viscosity is generally in the range of 5.5 – 10 cst at this temperature.
What is viscosity of honey
Honey is more viscous due to the higher intermolecular forces between the individual particles. Hence, the particles are more strongly bound in honey than in water. Honey has a viscosity of 10000 cps, and water has a viscosity of 1.0020 cps.

high viscosity
Peanut butter has high viscosity range, on average from 150,000 to 250,000 cPs. But depends on type of butter. 2. Peanut butter will exhibit shear thinning behavior, that is, its viscosity will decrease with increase in shear applied on sample.Viscosity is defined as "resistance to flow" and is often referred to as the "thickness" of a fluid. To break viscosity down into simple examples think of water (a low viscosity fluid) and honey (a high viscosity fluid).
Is honey a viscous fluid : The honey has more strong intermolecular attractive forces than water. Therefore the particles are strongly bonded in honey than water. Hence honey is more viscous than water.