Antwort Is it safe to use npm packages? Weitere Antworten – How do I know if my NPM package is safe

Is it safe to use npm packages?
You can also run npm audit manually on your locally installed packages to conduct a security audit of the package and produce a report of dependency vulnerabilities and, if available, suggested patches. On the command line, navigate to your package directory by typing cd path/to/your-package-name and pressing Enter.The impact of npm security vulnerabilities can vary depending on the specific vulnerability and the extent to which it is exploited. In some cases, a vulnerability may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the user's system or to steal sensitive information.NPM can also introduce vulnerabilities and exploits that execute arbitrary commands on the developer's workstation. Arbitrary command execution in NPM refers to a vulnerability in the NPM package manager that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands on a targeted system through a malicious npm package.

How to use npm securely : npm doctor command

  1. Check the official npm registry is reachable, and display the currently configured registry.
  2. Check that Git is available.
  3. Review installed npm and Node.
  4. Run permission checks on the various folders such as the local and global node_modules , and on the folder used for package cache.

Can you get malware from npm

Malware is a major concern for npm Security and we have removed hundreds of malicious packages from the registry. For every malware report we receive, npm Security takes the following actions: Confirm validity of the report. Remove the package from the registry.

Can npm packages contain viruses : Unfortunately, yes. Any community that relies on trust is susceptible to abuse, NPM does a good job of steering its users towards safe packages, but can't catch everything.

And we see all the dependencies that rely on it all right so to fix this. Let's go back here. It's put in a comma. And go to a new line. This is the version we're going to want to be using. So notice