Antwort How do I change my MySQL port from 3307 to 3306? Weitere Antworten – How do I change my MySQL port from 3306 to 3307

How do I change my MySQL port from 3307 to 3306?
Locate the line that starts with "port" in the configuration file. The line should be located under [client] – if the line is not present, you can add it to the file. Change the port number to the desired number. For example, if you want to use port 3307, change the line to port=3307 .MySQL

  1. Open the Control Panel and click Security.
  2. Click Windows Firewall.
  3. Click Advanced Settings, Inbound Rules.
  4. Click New Rule.
  5. Click Port, then Next. Select TCP.
  6. Click Next, then click Allow the connection.
  7. Check Domain and Private.
  8. Enter MySQL as Name and Description.

To change the default port for MySQL, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySQL configuration file.
  2. Locate the port parameter in the configuration file.
  3. Change the value of the port parameter to the desired port number.
  4. Save the changes to the configuration file.

How to change port 3306 in xampp : Go to the [path-to-xampp-folder]/mysql/bin/ directory and open the file named my. ini. Alternatively, you can click on "Config" in the MySQL Module of XAMPP. Look for the line(s) that contain the default port number "3306" and change it to the desired port number, such as "3390" [1].

What is the difference between MySQL 3306 and 3307

MySQL (or most/all other processes) can listen on just about any port (0-65535) though ports below 1024 are privileged and require special permissions (usually root/admin). There is no difference in port 3306, 3307 or 8279 for that matter other than that 3306 is the default port for MySQL.

Is MySQL port always 3306 : The MySQL client, utilities like mysqldump, and MySQL connectors all utilize port 3306 as the default one.

And also MySQL. That's one way if you already have installed the workbench. You you can also see the port number from there because you had to make the connection to the MySQL. Server.

You can change the default port for MySQL by modifying the configuration file, typically named my. cnf or my. ini .

Why port 3306 is not working

Cause. This issue occurs when an office with Local Data has a UNC path listed instead of the office server name in the ODBC settings. If you see this error message and your office has a Mac server, you might be experiencing a known Autostart bug with MySQL on Mac servers.In general, you should not open port 3306 as it can make your server vulnerable to attack. If you need to connect to your database remotely, there are more secure options than opening port 3306, such as using an SSH tunnel.In the Protocol and Ports screen, select the Specific Local Ports option. Type 3306 in the text field, then click Next. 6. In the Action screen, select the Allow the Connection option, then click Next.

Change MySQL Port:

  1. If you cannot identify and stop the conflicting process, consider changing the MySQL port.
  2. Open the MySQL configuration file (`my.
  3. Look for the `port` setting and change it to a different port, e.g., `3307` or any other available port.
  4. Save the file and restart the MySQL service.

What uses port 3307 : Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Service Name Port Number Description
mysql 3306 MySQL
opsession-prxy 3307 OP Session Proxy
opsession-prxy 3307 OP Session Proxy

How to change SQL port : Solution

  1. Run the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Select the SQL Server Network Configuration.
  3. Select from the list the instance you want to configure to listen to on a specific port.
  4. To change the port assignment right-click on the TCP/IP protocol and select Properties.
  5. Click on the IP Addresses tab.

How to enable port 3306

How to Enable MySQL Port on Your Linux Dedicated Server

  1. First, log in to your server as root.
  2. Edit the csf (Firewall) configuration file using the following command:
  3. Search for the following lines as shown in the image below:
  4. Proceed to add the port no 3306 as follows.
  5. Save the changes Ctrl+O followed by Ctrl+X to exit.

MySQL (or most/all other processes) can listen on just about any port (0-65535) though ports below 1024 are privileged and require special permissions (usually root/admin). There is no difference in port 3306, 3307 or 8279 for that matter other than that 3306 is the default port for MySQL.Execute the netstat -a -b command to see the list of applications that are using different ports. Look for the one using 3306. Then, you can end this process in Windows Task ManagerS.

What is the default port of MySQL 3307 : The default MySQL port is 3306, so you should be able to use “3306” as the port for most situations.